Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Narration With Puppets!

The Dude had a great day at speech today. Mrs. B, his speech teacher, noticed that he really likes puppets so she's started using them during some of his speech sessions. Today when we walked in the room, I could tell she had something up her sleeve because she was extra smiley.

Instead of working on Chicken Little like they had been with their "WH" questions like we'd planned, she pulled out some puppets that went along with the story of the Three Billy Goats Gruff.

It was a success! The Dude was so excited about the puppets he was wiggling in his seat and could hardly hold still. Mrs. B read the Three Billy Goats Gruff and would pause so the Dude could read his "lines". Then they used the same "WH" question format she'd been using for Chicken Little. (I'll have to post a picture of this set-up another time.) The Dude had only a few problems answering the questions and helping sequence the story with the visual cues.

After the questions, they picked up the puppets and acted out the story together and the Dude was actually able to tell back little snippets of the story. Can you say "narration"??? I've been trying to push back the little worries in my head that the Dude could not narrate or tell back stories we'd read yet. This should help bridge that gap until he can get a better grasp on his language skills.

I'm going to have to work on making simple puppets to go along with what we're learning in school. Should be pretty since most of our units are on animals. Hey! I just remembered, I think I still have that hinge template from doing that Puppet tools review a couple of years ago. That'll come in handy.

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